Some Words

This page outlines some of my recent writing collaborations. Click the individual links below, to read more. The first section covers more of my technical publications. If you scroll down, you will find links to articles and thought-pieces, where I enjoyed drawing from my experiences and interest to write about Engineering and Technology, Gender and Intersectionality in the workforce. I also dabble in writing about travel or my favorite places, allowing me to re-visit them through words. 

Updated citations on Google Scholar and Research Gate.



    Bhaduri, S., Kapoor, S., Gil, A., Mittal, A., & Mulkar, R. (2024). Reconciling Methodological Paradigms: Employing Large Language Models as Novice Qualitative Research Assistants in Talent Management Research. [Link]


      KJ, S., Jain, V., Bhaduri, S., Roy, T., & Chadha, A. (2024). Decoding the Diversity: A Review of the Indic AI Research Landscape. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.09559. [Link]


      Balne, C. C. S., Bhaduri, S., Roy, T., Jain, V., & Chadha, A. (2024). Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning: A Comprehensive Analysis Across Applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.13506. [Link]


      Bhaduri, S., Dias, M., Mysore, A., Pulvermacher, R., Rivera-Burnett, A., Sadighi, S., & Zhao, W. (2024). Using science to support and develop employees in the tech workforce-an opportunity for multi-disciplinary pursuits in engineering education. Work. [Link]


      Khan, R., Bhaduri, S., Mackenzie, T., Paul, A., Sankalp, K. J., & Sen, I. (2024, August). Path to Personalization: A Systematic Review of GenAI in Engineering Education. In KDD AI4Edu Workshop. [Link]


      Mackenzie, T., Salgado, L., Bhaduri, S., Kuketz, V., Savoia, S., & Virguez, L. (2024, June). Beyond the Algorithm: Empowering AI Practitioners through Liberal Education. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


      Pollock, M. C., Ehsan, H., Bhaduri, S., & Quigley, L. T. (2024, June). Outsiders: Pathways and Perspectives from Engineering Education PhDs Outside Academia. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


      Virgüez, L., Basu, D., Kim, G. J., & Bhaduri, S. (2024, June). Bridging the Gap: Exploring Semiconductors Exposure and Motivation among Multidisciplinary Engineering Students. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


      Paul, A., Bhaduri, S., Lewis, R. S., Virguez, L., Pakala, K., & Basu, D. (2024, June). Exploring and Expanding Support for International Students in Engineering: Faculty Reflections Beyond Academic Boundaries. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


      Kali, M. B., Maitra, D., Bhaduri, S., & Virguez, L. (2024, June). Investigating Transition Phases: An Autoethnographic Study of International Women of Color Engineering Educators in the US. In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


      Bhaduri, S., Ohnemus, K., Blackburn, J., Mittal, A., Dong, Y., Laferriere, S., Kumar, N. (2024). (Multi-disciplinary) Teamwork makes the (real) dream work: Pragmatic recommendations from industry for engineering classrooms. [Link]


  Carrico, C., Matusovich, H. M., & Bhaduri, S. (2023, June). Preparing Engineering Students to Find the Best Job Fit: Starting Early with the Career Development Process. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


  Edwards, C. D., Peterson, B., Bhaduri, S., McCall, C. J., & Özkan, D. S. (2023, June). Work in progress: Coloring Outside the Lines-Exploring the Potential for Integrating Creative Evaluation in Engineering Education. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.  [Link]


  Basu, D., Virguez, L., Soledad, M., & Bhaduri, S. (2023, June). Board 192: Identifying and addressing the barriers to advancement for women in the engineering professoriate: A systematic review of literature. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


  Bhaduri, S., Lewis, R. S., Sen, I., Mishra, C., Mona, M., & Bathula, V. S. N. (2023, June). Excellence, Belonging, and the American Dream: An Auto-ethnography on Being International in Engineering. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. [Link]


  Bhaduri, S., Dias, M., Mysore, A., Pulvermacher, R., Rivera-Burnett, A., Sadighi, S., & Zhao, W. (2023). Using science to support and develop employees in the tech workforce-an opportunity for multi-disciplinary pursuits in engineering education.  [Link]

  Carrico, C., Matusovich, H. M., & Bhaduri, S. (2023, June). Board 164: Engineering Interventions in My Science Classroom: What's My Role?. In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.  [Link]


      M. Soledad, D. Basu, S. Bhaduri, L. Virguez, “Work-in-Progress: Retention of Women in Engineering Professoriate: A Systematic Review”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2022. [Link]


      K. Mandala, Z. Dailey, K. Battel, S. Bhaduri, L. Virguez, “How Writing a Book on Engineering helped Rewrite Our Interests in the Field-An AutoEthnography”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2022. [Link]


      Totman, S. Bhaduri, K. Pakala, “Engineering Instruction, Inclusion, and Comics - Reflections”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2022. [Link]


      S. Bhaduri, K. Pakala, “Opportunities from Disruption – How Lifelong learning helped create more connected classrooms”, Collaborative Network for Engineering Computing and Diversity, Annual Conference, 2022. [Link]


      K. Battel, N. Foster, K. Mandala, S. Bhaduri, L. Barroso, “We make the Village – Inspiring STEM among Young Girls and the power of creative engineering education in action”, Collaborative Network for Engineering Computing and Diversity, Annual Conference, 2022. [Link]


      T. Chowdhury, S. Bhaduri, H. Murzi, “Understanding the Development of Teamwork Competency to Comprehend the Transformation in Systems Engineering discipline”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2021. [Link]


      M. Soledad, D. Basu, S. Bhaduri, L. Virguez, “A Grounded Theory Analysis of Covid-19 information and resources relayed through university web pages: implications for a more inclusive community”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2021. [Link]


      S. Bhaduri, M. Soledad, T. Roy, H. Murzi, “A Semester Like No Other: Use of Natural Language Processing for Novice-led Analysis of End of Semester Responses on Student’s Experience of Changing Learning Environments Due to Covid-19”, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2021. [Link]


      W.C. Lee, B. Lutz, H. M. Matusovich, S. Bhaduri, “Student perceptions about learning about diversity, and it’s place in engineering classrooms in the United States” International Journal of Engineering Education, 2021. [Link]


2020 and older

      S. Bhaduri, H. M. Matusovich “Developing the ESLS – Engineering Students Learning Strategies instrument” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2020. [Link]


      SE Brady, GE Little, LL Crumpton-Young, S. Bhaduri “An Assessment of HBCU STEM Student Experiences: Towards the Development of a Student Persistence Model” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2018. [Link]


      DS Ozkan, CD Edwards, S. Bhaduri “Sketching with Students: An Arts-informed qualitative analysis of first year engineering students” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2018. [Link]


      PJ Cunningham, HM Matusovich, C Venters, S Blackowski, S. Bhaduri “The impact of metacognitive instruction on student’s conceptions of learning and their self-monitoring behaviors” American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, 2018. [Link]


      S. Bhaduri, T. Roy, “Work-in-Progress: A Word-Space Visualization Approach to Study College of Engineering Mission Statements”, Frontiers in Engineering (FIE) Annual Conference, 2017. [Link]


      M. Soledad, J. Grohs, S. Bhaduri, J. Doggett, J. Williams & S. Culver, “Leveraging Institutional Data to Understand Student Perceptions of Teaching in Large Engineering Classes”, Frontiers in Engineering (FIE) Annual Conference, 2017. [Link]


      Taylor, R. Waters, S. Bhaduri, B. Lutz, W. C. Lee, “Student Attitudes about Diversity: “If the field of engineering were more diverse, what would that mean for you?”, Frontiers in Engineering (FIE) Annual Conference, 2017. [Link]


      S. Bhaduri, H. Matusovich, “Student Perceptions on Learning- Inside and Outside the Classroom”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Confere nce & Exposition proceedings, 2017. [Link]


      S. Bhaduri, T. Roy, “Demonstrating use of Natural Language Processing to compare college of engineering mission statements”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition proceedings, 2017. [Link]


      P. Cunningham, H.M. Matusovich, D.A.N. Hunter, S.A. Williams, S. Bhaduri, “Board#28: Beginning to Understand Student Indicators of Metacognition”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition proceedings, 2017. [Link]


      S. Bhaduri, T. Roy, “Using grounded theory methodology to study online community building and mentorship for students seeking higher education in US”, EDULEARN15 proceedings, 2015, pp. 6317-6323. [Link]


      I. Bhaduri, S. Bhaduri, “Use of knowledge discovery in school databases to enrich the learning process.” INTED 2014 proceedings, 3893-3899. [Link]

Features / Articles

My experiences with code was featured by CodeHS."Coding can help address challenges of inequities in the 21st century workforce by highlighting trends, predicting outcomes, and drawing insights to make sense of large datasets on employees at organizations. "
I wrote with Dr. Rosh Rupani for the Online Learning Consortium (OLC)'s Blog on Adopting Playful Learning at Work. "It is the innovators who are venturesome and willing to try out new ideas, with very little guidance."
I wrote with Dr. Indrani Bhaduri on transversal competencies and young learners. लेखिकाओं को हार्दिक अभिनंदन। अति उत्तम लेख, परम्परागत अपितु समकालीन पृष्ठभूमि मे यथार्थ। सामाजिक मीडिया मे अग्रसारित  किया जाना उचित होगा। लेखिकाओं से अनुरोध है कि क्रिपा करके अनुमति प्रदान करें। 
Dwelling in the Guru’s Mind this September 5th” was written by Dr. Indrani Bhaduri and me. As life-long learners in an ever-changing world, it is critical that we empower ourselves to critically vet the information we consume and the ones we spread. This article was written to celebrate Teachers Day 2020. 
I wrote with Dr. Indrani Bhaduri for CNN News 18 on musings on lesser known characters of the Indian Epic - Ramayana. Original article here at - 
The Relevance of Gandhi in 2020th” was written by Dr. Indrani Bhaduri and me. Gandhism opens a window of fresh wisdom which has the power to resolve this crisis. The article was published by CNN News 18 as part of their Op-Ed at- .
I wrote with Dr. Adetoun Yeaman for the Society of Women Engineers' All Together Blog on Empathy as the First Step towards Allyship. "We must be careful to not stop at empathy alone. Empathy helps us get to allyship, where we are sensitized towards and lend support to those who have been systematically marginalized and disadvantaged.  However, true inclusion can only happen when we go beyond empathy and extend ally-ship to accomplice-ship"
I wrote with Dr. Rosh Rupani for the Society of Women Engineers' All Together Blog on Encouraging Engineers to Fight Gender Stereotypes. "Who is to say that a man cannot have traditionally feminine attributes and that a woman cannot have traditionally masculine attributes? Express yourself in your creations the way a three-year-old YOU would!"
One day during the COVID-19 lockdown, as I grappled with my own productivity, I wrote about Productivity in times of a Pandemic for the Society of Women Engineers' All Together Blog. "Remember that during these unprecedented times kindness to one’s own self is of utmost importance. Be kind as you fit into your new routine and your workspace on your kitchen island or laundry basket. You are trying and some days peak productivity for you may equate to showing up. "

I wrote with the Board at the Society of Women Engineers, NY on strategies to succeed at online conferences. "Thanks mostly to the pandemic but also to increased connectivity across the globe, virtual conferences and hybrid ones, seem like they are here to stay. " 
I wrote on Strategies for Applying to Graduate School. The article walks readers through useful steps to consider as they plan for the application and admissions cycles.
Some reflections post attending the United Nations' Ring the Bell for Gender Equality event in March 2020. "If there was one BIG take-away for me from yesterday it was this: I need to actively find, engage with, network with, speak about, advocate for, and promote the work of more and more women who may someday become role-models for others in the world of work."
A partnership between Virginia Tech, in the US and the University of Basel in Switzerland, the Global Perspectives Programme is aimed at preparing future academic leaders for the challenges of an increasingly diverse and globally focused higher education (HE) sector.  This is the link to the report published, which I contributed to as a Fellow of the GPP in 2013.
s part of Open Access Week, the University Libraries and the Graduate School offered a travel scholarship to OpenCon 2015, a conference for early career researchers on open access, open data, and open educational resources. From a pool of many strong essay applications, I was chosen to attend the conference. I attended the conference in Brussels, Belgium on November 13-16, and sent the report below.  
One home-sick Sunday during the first month of the COVID-19 lockdown, I co-wrote this blog with my mother, Dr. Indrani Bhaduri, on one of our favorite cities. Though we were about 7000 miles apart, it was wonderful how technology allowed us to pen some thoughts down together to be put up on a shared cloud above us. 
Congrats Baylor for winning the NCAA Bracket, but we are more excited to announce that Dr. Sreyoshi Bhaduri @thatstatsgirl has won the 2021 Tech Diva Success Bracket with almost 40% of the 136 votes. 🎉Her episode on equal pay is critical for #WomenInTech so listen for yourself!!! Thanks to all our bracket Tech Divas and allies for your dedication to Tech Diva Success. 
"The advice that I have for girls or women interested in STEM is the same that my mother offers me. She reminds me of the Sanskrit saying, which ends as – विद्याधनं सर्वधन प्रधानम् ॥
Roughly translated, the saying encapsulates the sentiment that what you have learned, through experiences or education, is not in vain. In fact, it is your most prized possession. Your education cannot be stolen from you nor will it ever be a burden. It will only increase even when shared. "
My Recommendations for Career Professionals on Lifelong Learning - "I urge everyone to learn from all of their experiences, and take time to explore and build networks."